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  • December 14, 2022

Why It’s Hard to Not Be Skeptical of Activist Groups

Activist groups are a dime a dozen these days. It seems like there’s a group for every cause under the sun. And where no cause exists, there are activist groups willing to create it. Let’s be honest. Most of us find it hard to not be skeptical of such groups.

Most of us are too busy working and raising kids to be strung out on a long list of causes. We are smart enough to know that so many of the causes that make the news are philosophical rather than practical. They have very little impact on daily life. And yet they dominate the news. Why? Because the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

A New Report from Greenpeace

Greenpeace is by no means the only activist group that gets an inordinate amount of attention from the media. But thanks to a recent report from the organization’s American arm, they make Read the rest